Release Notes for deegree 2.2
On this page the new features of the upcoming deegree 2.2 release are listed. Features are either: confirmed (+, meaning that it is sure that this feature will be part of the corresponding release) or not yet confirmed (o, might be part of the corresponding release, but it is also possible it will be skipped or added in some future release) or confirmed, but documentation might not be complete (d).
The final release of deegree 2.2 is planned for mid-June (just in time for deegree day 2008).
1. deegree API 2.2
- new crs package (+)
- new 3D tool available: View3DFile: a program for display of 3D-Shapes, CityGML and VRML (+)
- another new 3D tool: J3DToCityGMLExporter: exports Java3D-objects to CityGML (+)
2. deegree WMS 2.2
- []
3. deegree WFS 2.2
- cached datasource (+)
4. deegree WCS 2.2
- []
5. deegree CSW 2.2
- support of OGC CSW 2.0.2 (+)
- support of OGC ISO Application Profile 1.0 (+)
- Service-Metadata example (+)
6. deegree iGeoPortal 2.2 Standard Edition
- central CSS: it is now possible to change the layout of iGeoPortal using one, central CSS (d)
- full screen switcher: run-time change between big map window and normal portal skin (d)
- dynamic-legend-module: legend is dynamically built depending on the capabilities a WMS offers (+)
pdf print module: well - can create print views in the form of PDFs
- custom tab switcher: allows to switch between layer list and legend view, but uses tab panes instead of a combo box. (+)
- legend for start up: makes is possible to start iGeoPortal SE with legend view instead of layerlist-View (d)
- free text search for gazetteer module. (d)
- digitizer module: for polygons and insert only (d)
7. deegree WPVS 2.2
- []
8. deegree WPS 2.2
- WPS demo release made available for the first time (+)