Checking out deegree 2 with subversion
Before checking out deegree from subversion please make sure, text file encoding is set to the right standard.
Open Window->Preferences
Select General->Workspace
Make sure text file encoding is set to UTF-8.
Instructions on setting up deegree 3 can be found at here.
1. Step 1:
After installing of the subclipse plugins (and restart), click:
In the following dialog select SVN->checkout Projects from SVN:
2. Step 2:
Create a new svn repository location:
3. Step 3:
In the next dialog add one of the following urls,
for checkout (not commit) only:
If you are able to commit to the repository (an account on wald is needed) you should use: svn+ssh://developername[ AT ]
4. Step 4:
The next Dialog lists all Modules on the server, the svn-repository layout differs from the old cvs repository, it has following structure:
Six modules are selectable
- apps, different applications which use the deegree lib, examples are igeoportal or drm-admin
- base, the deegree framework, including libs, tests, resourcen and scripts. This is the directory which resembles the old cvs repository the most.
- contrib, different applications which were created outside of the deegree project.
- demo, docs und test are self explaining
Some of these Components have the common svn subdirectory structure, they are used for the deegree versioning and release management:
branches, containing differend branches of the module
tags, differend stable versions e.g beneath base/tags/ a directoy named 2.0.0 is located which contains the 2.0.0 version of Deegree.
trunk, the working / unstable copy , comparable with $CVS_HEAD. This directory contains the most recent (unstable) version of Deegree.
If you are looking for the most recent deegree framework, you'll probably want to select base/trunk, and afterwards click next or finish.
While clicking on the "next" button, you can optionally select a revision. It is very important, that while clicking the "next" button you should select the checkout as a project using the project wizard:
5. Step 5:
In the project wizard dialog select java project:
6. Step 6:
Define name and jre:
7. Step 7:
ignore message on "existing" files, simply click "ok".
8. Step 8:
Checking out as usual:
Confirm the question to open the Java Perspective.
Afterwards, you have to edit the build path of the new project:
Project -> Properties
- Select "Java Build Path"
- Select "Source"
- Select "deegree", click "Remove"
- Click "Add Folder", select "src" and "test/junit", click "OK"
- Change "Default output folder" to "deegree/classes"
- Click "OK"
9. Finish
Header: die alte $Header Variable heißt jetzt $HeadURL, dem entsprechend sollten beim anlegen von neuen Dateien der Header angepasst werden.
Footers können nicht mehr von SVN mit den LOG-Messages gefüllt werden, sie verlieren daher ihre Relevanz und können gelöscht werden. Um zu sehen wer was mit welcher Nachricht eingecheckt hat kann die Option show history im team context menü benutzen.
10. Synchronising
Wie bei cvs kann über das kontext menü -> Team->Synchronize mit dem SVN-repository synchronisiert werden, wonach einen commit oder einen update erfolgen kann.