On special request this page on how to create new pages is proudly presented to you.
Remember to also read the HelpContents with all the other fine descriptions coming with this wiki.
1. Steps to take
Short walk-through:
- Search for a page with related content.
- Edit this page and add a link to the new page.
- Click on the new link to the new page, to create it.
- Write the wanted new content and save it.
This way you ensure to not create OrphanedPages by accident. Some people write a new page and never add a link to this page anywhere in the wiki. Thus, this new content cannot be found by anyone. That is too sad, and a waste of time, really. So instead of first writing the new page and then forgetting to search for a page that might be able to link to the new page, do it the other way round: create the link first and create the page afterwards.
1.1. Find related content
Think about the topic you want to write about... and search for a page that already relates to this topic.
If you find TheRelatedPage you might want to add your contents to this page. But sometimes this is not sensible, because TheRelatedPage is already very long, or does not match your topic close enough. Then a new page is required. But what to do next?
1.2. Create new link
- Think about your topic and come up with an appropriate name of "the page to be".
Think again and make it a WikiName (like ThePageToBe).
Now edit TheRelatedPage and add the name of your new topic. Remember: it's ThePageToBe.
Save TheRelatedPage and click on the new link for ThePageToBe.
Depending on your settings in the user preferences this link is either a questionmark in front of the topic name, or the name of the new topic itself.
1.3. Create new page
You get to a page telling you that this new page does not exist yet. But you are about to change that.
- It is always best to use an existing template. Do not simply click on "create new empty page".
The DeegreeTemplate is best to be used for any new topics on deegree 2 or deegree 3.
The HomepageTemplate is best for the personal page that every user should create under his/her own registration name (WikiName).
- Once you selected an appropriate template, you may finally write about your new topic.
1.4. Save everything
- Don't forget to preview your page with "Preview" / "Vorschau anzeigen"
Don't forget to add a comment at the bottom of the editing box ("Comment: " / "Kommentar:")
This is almost the same as a CVS/SVN log message, except it does not say "no message" if you don't add one
Don't forget to add the new topic to an existing category by choosing it from the drop down box ("Add to: " / "Zu ... hinzufügen"), if it fits into one.
- If there is no fitting category, but you think there should be, you might even think of creating a new category topic.
- Don't forget to save your changes.
2. Why Can't I ...
Question: Why can't I just write the name of the new page into the address field of my browser? That's how I am used to do it in other wikis...
Answer: this might create a new page, but if you don't tell every single person using this wiki, that you created a new page, nobody will be able to find it and thus, nobody will read it. So why write it in the first place?
Question: Do I really need to create a link to the new page, before creating the page itself?
Answer: No and Yes. No, it is not necessary to do it in advance. It would be ok, if you write your new page and create the link to it afterwards. But chances are, you forget about creating the link, once the new page is written. Therefore: Yes, it is highly recommended to do it first.