Judit Mays
Email: <jm.deegree AT SPAMFREE web DOT de>
Involvement with deegree:
- development of iGeoPortal modules, customizing and configuration, documentation
- participating in deegree release work
- attending to documentation and help pages
- attending to the wiki's needs, contents and structure
- thorough testing for various deegree applications and deegree based projects
organisation of all deegree day conferences so far (2006-2010)
Involvement with OSGeo:
- participating in the LiveDVD project (adding deegree 2 WMS, WFS, WCS, portal)
- providing deegree flyer in OSGeo look and feel
member of the incubation committee (since October 29th, 2009)
- participating in FOSS4G2008 (Cape Town, South Africa) with two presentations and a tutorial