deegree Summit: Joint PSC and TMC Meeting (2012-01-24)
PSC Attendees: HermanAssink, JensFitzke, (not: KlausGreve)
TMC Attendees: ReijerCopier, AndreasSchmitz, MarkusSchneider, JohannesWilden
Guests: TorstenFriebe
1. Agenda
- Welcome
- Agenda review
- 3.2 release
- deegree day
- Targeted runtime environments
- Other Public relation activities
- Website and Wiki
- Documentation
- List of demos and applications
- Wikipedia GIS page
- deegree book (Tyler's mail)
- Other project organisation and infrastructure issues
- Roadmap (including handling of tracker feature requests)
- Code repository software
- Documentation issues
- Components and their maintainers
- Other business
- Commercial aspects (Herman's request)
- deegree and mainstream Java technology
- Comparison to other FOSS software packages
- OSGeo shoot-out
- Next meeting
2. Discussions, Decisions and Actions
Meeting duration: 1000 - 1630 CET
The meeting agenda has been adjusted as above.
2.1. 3.2 release
- Release date: Still to be defined (somewhere between March and May 2012)
- The release is labeled the "INSPIRE release", indicating that it is the first deegree release covering all features currently required by the INSPIRE implementation roadmap
- Features included (among others):
- CRS bugfixes (performance and axis order issue)
- Layers / Themes in WMS
- Tiles / WMTS (Not: Cache)
- WFS improvements
- General improvements
Improvements in the SQL FeatureStore and new implementation of security features have been removed from the feature list.
- Actions:
- Share CRS issue analysis effort (all)
- Share the development costs (Herman: "For the cheapest solution to solve the problem"). Intended budget is 5-6 days.
- Verify functional scope of the release wrt. INSPIRE requirements (Herman with Geonovum, lat/lon team)
2.2. deegree day
- Decision: deegree day shall take place later in 2012, in October or November, in Bonn
- The rationale is: All outreach activities to raise the awareness of the 3.2 release shall have highest priority
- Actions:
- Find suitable meeting date options (Klaus with Uniclub)
2.3. Targeted runtime environments
- Decision: deegree shall have a general Java runtime environments compatibility list. For deegree 3 it has been agreed upon the following environments:
- Supported runtime environments:
- OpenJDK 7: Preferred platform
- Oracle JDK 6 and 7: Supported platforms
- Supported servlet containers:
- Apache Tomcat 7: Preferred platform
- Apache Tomcat 6: Supported platform
- The public information of these lists shall be accompanied by general compatibility statements like: "Any Java 6/Servlet 2.5/JSF 2.0 implementation should work"
2.4. Other Public relation activities
- Discussion: The following list of outreach tools has been collected (where the first 4 items are considered to be of highest priority):
- Web site
- Download packages, including demos
- Documentation for users
- Press release
- Wiki
- Conferences
- Articles
- Documentation for developers
- Social media
- deegree page on Wikipedia
- OSgeo: various web and wiki pages
- Book on deegree
- University lectures
- Tutorials, howtos
- Videos
- Tracker
- Discussion: The following target groups can be identified (where specifically decision makers and software administrators in the SDI implementors group are considered to be of highest priority):
- Developers (as code contributors / as library users)
- Research / academics
- SDI implementors: Decision makers, software administrators, "end users" with application domain perspective
- Decision: All short-term outreach activities shall be focussed on promoting the 3.2. "INSPIRE release"
- Decision: A lower priority is assigned to outreach activities targeting at developers. This is considered to be a more long-term activity.
- Long discussion about focus and tools for documentation with the result that contents and quality and maintainability of the documentation do not necessarily depend on tools used.
- Actions:
- Present documentation prototype to all (Markus)
- Give feedback on this prototype prior to next meeting (all)
- Organize future (short-term, mid-term) documentation process (all, next meeting)
- Define tools scope for Web, Wiki and Documentation (all, ongoing, next meeting)
- Subsequently: Change/Update/Enhance Web, Wiki and Documentation
- Define and prepare download packages
- Write a press release
2.5. Other business
- Next meeting: Shall be an online meeting.
Action to set up a doodle for a date in about 2 weeks (Jens):
2.6. Agenda items not covered
- Other project organisation and infrastructure issues
- Roadmap (including handling of tracker feature requests)
- Code repository software
- Components and their maintainers
- Other business
- Commercial aspects (Herman's request)
- deegree and mainstream Java technology
- Comparison to other FOSS software packages
- OSGeo shoot-out
3. Other information
Venue: Schloss Oberhausen - Restaurant Kaisergarten (
Time: Tuesday 24 Jan, 0900 - 1500 CET