deegree PSC Meeting (2012-07-16)
Attendees: HermanAssink, JensFitzke, KlausGreve
Time: 15:30 - 16:30 h CET
1. Agenda
- Welcome
- Old action items, ongoing tasks
- deegree day
- Infrastructure issues
- Commercial aspects
- Other business
- Topics for next meeting
2. Old action items, ongoing tasks
- deegree day: Klaus made his planning sheet available (see below)
- Review and discussion of TMC's feedback on infrastructure issues (see below)
- Other stuff, postponed to next meeting (see below)
3. deegree day
Based on Klaus' planning sheet, the following actions have to be taken:
- Invite TMC to deegree day 2012 management board.
Call for participation must be sent out right now (to mailings lists, web sites etc., no print media), pointing to for contribution requests
- This call is then resent in mid-August together with the web site ready for online registration.
- In the meantime Klaus will update the planning schedule.
4. Infrastructure issues
TMC provided some feedback (by email, 2012-07-06) on the issues raised in last meeting's infrastructure discussion. The following is the result of the discussion of this feedback:
Artefact repository:
- The main issue here is not so much if Nexus is open source or not, but - as we heard in the meantime - a configuration problem regarding access control. deegree's Artifactory repository obviously includes libraries which are not publicly available, but for some reason are needed to build deegree or deegree-based projects. Administrators (Johannes and Jeronimo) haven't been able so far to rebuild the needed access constraints with Nexus. The TMC is asked for advice here.
- Tracker choice is depending on the non-open source nature of JIRA.
- Whenever there is an adequate open source solution for our requirements, we shall use that. To that regard the TMC response did not adress the requirements question raised in the last PSC meeting. BTW it is clear that we will move away from wald here.
- In case of the use of JIRA we have to maintain a migration strategy for the tracker data without loss all the time.
Code repository:
- PSC is fine with github, provided that the TMC prepares a proposal for using the tool and its new functionality.
- This proposal shall cover aspects like: "How to make use of the distributed repository for deegree?", "How to prevent risks, like a branch and fork mess?" (one-click fork), "How to maintain the projects procedures like granting access rights to the repository?" (PSC responsibility)
5. Commercial aspects
- Meeting to discuss this, together with invited guests on September 11th or 13th.
- Some input to the discussion: See Herman's mail as of 2012-06-05.
6. Other business
- deegree presentation at INTERGEO: FOSSGIS e.V. (German OSGeo chapter) is asking for participation. PSC is in favour of a deegree participation. Jens shall respond to the call.
- Next meeting ist scheduled for 2012-08-28 at 1300 CET
7. Topics for next meeting
- Prepare the "commercial aspects" meeting. BTW we need a better label here!
- deegree in social media
- Progress on web site and documentation
- New logo for the deegree project
- INSPIRE demo data: See what's happening in Germany with the new legislation. Jens: Ask JRC team.
- Comparison to other FOSS GIS software packages: Follow-up Herman
- Jens: Update deegree's OSGeo flyer in OSGeo SVN