deegree combined PSC & TMC Meeting (2013-05-23)
PSC attendees: HermanAssink, JensFitzke, KlausGreve (until lunch)
TMC attendees: Andreas Schmitz, MarkusSchneider, ReijerCopier, TorstenFriebe
Location/Time: Essen, Germany, Linuxhotel / 10:15 - 16:10 h CET
1. Agenda
- Agenda bashing
- Mission statement
- Mission statement support
- Operational issues
- Actions
2. Mission statement
A draft version of the mission statement has been developed, starting from a brain storming:
3. Mission statement support
This section covers the results of a brainstorming about the question: "What would you do first to support the mission statement if you had the necessary time or budget?" Responses from participants have been collected:
In a more readable form this includes the following items:
- Improve or extend the deegree source code
- Improve or extend the deegree documentation
- Improve or extend or renew the deegree web administration interface
- Make deegree a first-class citizen of Spring
- Make deegree more attractive (to developers and users)
- Raise money
- Increase the activity of the committees
- Improve deegree's quality assurance process
- Improve deegree's processes and structures (in general)
4. Operational issues
- Next deegree community space: We shall arrange this in a similiar way to the last event, but with improved announcements. Potential time frame: October.
FOSS4G participation: There is a wiki page about this. Additionally to the activities mentioned there, deegree will participate in the shootout (OSGeo wiki page). Occam Labs will take the lead in this activity, supported by IDgis and lat/lon.
- Web site maintenance (1): TMC web site team shall be responsible for the Download, Documentation and News section. They are allowed to change those sections without approval of anybody else.
Web site maintenance (2): All other changes to the web site have to be made in the test system and approval has to be given on the deegree-users mailing list (by discussion first, if applicable, and subsequent voting). There are binding votes (of the committee members) and non-binding votes (of all other community members). For the underlying voting concept, refer to
- Web site maintenance (3): As a premise for (2) a password store will be shared among the committee members.
- Web site maintenance (4): Ask OSGeo Web Site maintenance team to change the there-hosted deegree page into a redirect to deegree home page.
- Web site maintenance (5): IDgis will provide a main editor. This will be made known to the community by an announcement on the mailing list and ask for community participation.
- The deegree_org Twitter account (1) shall be made available to the web site maintenance team (refer to (2) above) to be able to post release announcement.
- The deegree_org Twitter account (2) shall be made available to the main editor (refer to (5) above) in order to post messages which have been previously accepted in a fast-track process on the deegree-users mailing list (same voting process as above, but with a closer time line).
5. Actions
- Additionally to the actions hidden above...
- deegree community space: setup preparation page (re-use deegreeCommunitySpace2013Planning) and send mails and other kinds of announcements
- Shootout: Occam Labs observes the preparation and brings the issue back to TMC as soon as something more concrete planning is available.
- Web site maintenance (4): Jens will do that.
- Find out number of list subscribers (Jens)
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