deegree TMC Meeting (2012-01-17)
Attendees: ReijerCopier, AndreasSchmitz, MarkusSchneider, JohannesWilden
1. Agenda
- Welcome and agenda review
- deegree summit
Review of open TMC tasks
2. Decisions and Actions
2.1. deegree summit
The first deegree summit (joint meeting between deegree PSC and TMC) is going to be on January 24th, 2012. Here's the list of items that the TMC staff would like to discuss:
Roadmap for deegree 3.2 and beyond. Wiki page. TMC meeting notes.
Administrative/infrastructure improvements. PSC ticket.
Clarification of components and component maintainers. PSC ticket.
Process for dealing with feature requests in the deegree issue tracker. TMC meeting notes.
Clarification of supported runtime environments. PSC ticket.
2.2. Validate successful deployment of services on demo server
Related issue: Tracker item #6253
Action items:
JohannesWilden / AndreasSchmitz: Implement a technical solution. Due date: 2012-02-15
2.3. Add info on how find documentation on deegree 2 release process to the wiki
Related issue: Tracker item #6263
- Info has been collected, but not in the deegree wiki (contains sensitive information such as server names and passwords).
Action items:
JohannesWilden: Add easy-to-find information to the deegree wiki. This should at least mention that details on the process are available by asking on the mailing list or by mailing JohannesWilden. Due date: 2012-02-15
JohannesWilden: In the future, it should be reconsidered if the details (without sensitive information) can be made available in the deegree wiki.
2.4. deegree 3 environment compatibility
- OpenJDK compatibility becomes increasingly relevant.
- After the changes in the distribution license in Oracle Java, a push towards OpenJDK appears to be happening in the OpenSource/OSGeo world. An important aspect of this is the OSGeo Live DVD switching to OpenJDK.
deegree 3 seems to work on OpenJDK 7 and Oracle JDK 7, but this has not been tested extensively yet.
- TMC suggests to officially support Oracle JDK 6, Oracle JDK 7 and OpenJDK 7 for deegree 3.2 release.
- Supported EE/servlet containers should also be clarified. TMC suggests to at least consider Apache Tomcat 6/7 and Oracle Weblogic 10.3.5.
Action items:
MarkusSchneider: Create PSC ticket for clarification of supported JDK versions and containers. Here.
AndreasSchmitz: Set up OpenJDK 7/Oracle JDK 7 test environment. Due date: 2012-02-15