deegree TMC Meeting (2012-06-26)
Attendees: ReijerCopier, AndreasSchmitz, MarkusSchneider, JohannesWilden
1. Agenda
- Welcome and agenda review
- Reijer's tracker account
2. Decisions and actions
2.1. Discussion of PSC replies to infrastructure change proposals
Related issue: Migrate source code to git, possibly using bitbucket (#6322)
The PSC reviewed the proposals related to the following infrastructure components: tracker, artefact repository, code repository.
- The TMC discussed how to proceed with the infrastructure changes while taking the PSC's preference for self-hosted, full Open Source solutions into account.
Generally, the TMC has problems to understand how choosing a hosted solution for the repository (e.g. github) could be seen as a statement against openness. Many major OpenSource projects (e.g. the Linux kernel) are hosted there as well.
- It has been decided that Andreas will write an email to the PSC to present our arguments/questions and Reijer will perform a research on viable full Open Source alternatives.