deegree TMC Meeting (2012-10-23)
Attendees: ReijerCopier, AndreasSchmitz, MarkusSchneider
1. Agenda
- Welcome and agenda review
- deegree community space actions
- Wiki registration problems
TMC tracker item #6391: Define actions for deegree 3.2 release
TMC tracker item #6392: Missing release artifacts in deegree artifact repository
2. Decisions and actions
2.1. deegree community space actions
- The TMC supports the idea to have some kind of schedule for the event by the end of the week. still mentions the deegree day call for papers: TMC tracker item #6394 has been created to fix that.
- Information on the times for breaks (coffee, lunch) is required to create a schedule.
2.2. Wiki registration problems
deegree tracker item #450 has been created.
2.3. Missing release artifacts in deegree artifact repository
Tracker issue: TMC tracker item #6392
- Artifacts from 3.0.4 have been redeployed (to Artifactory)
- Originally, it was planned to have new service releases for 3.0 and 3.1 that are deployed to Nexus and use Nexus for dependencies. However, this seemed unnecessary at this point (no reaction on the mailing list).
TMC tracker item #6392 has been closed.
2.4. Define actions for deegree 3.2 release / Update the deegree 3 roadmap
Tracker issues: TMC tracker item #6391, TMC tracker item #6387
- An email has been sent to the deegree-users list to start a discusion and collect goals.