deegree TMC meeting (2013-01-22)
Attendees: ReijerCopier, TorstenFriebe, AndreasSchmitz, MarkusSchneider, JohannesWilden
1. Agenda
- Welcome and agenda review
- Perform pre-release builds after every TMC meeting/GitHub pull session
- Continuous Integration for open pull request
- How to properly perform/maintain custom deegree3 builds
- PSC question on JIRA
2. GitHub: Pull requests (deegree 3)
Pull request #16 has been merged. RenderHelper.getWorldToScreenTransform bugfix
Pull request #23 has been merged. Bugfix GetFeatureInfo for INSPIRE addresses. Fixes
Pull request #24 has been merged. Use style scale constraints when fetching features. Fixes
Pull request #25 has been merged. DTD entity resolution disabled in StaX
Pull request #26 has been merged. Generic OGC Web Service Client open proxy fix
Pull request #27 has been merged. Switch to antlr for GFI templating. Fixes
Pull request #31 has been merged. Concept to override Server URLs in main.xml doesn't work for multi endpoints. Fixes
Pull request #32 has been merged. Fixes to enable building on Windows.
Pull request #33 has been merged. FeatureLayer.infoQuery doesn't correctly determine the correct feature type(s). Fixes
Pull request #34 has been merged. Improvements to the handbook + related code fixes
3. Perform pre-release builds after every TMC meeting/GitHub pull session
MarkusSchneider proposed this, proposal was accepted
- From now on, a pre-release should follow every TMC meeting (if pull requests are merged)
JohannesWilden will do this, but other TMC members will help to streamline the build/release process
- This includes writing an email to deegree-users
4. Continuous Integration for open pull requests
ReijerCopier proposed to have an automated build job on jenkins for every open pull request
The GitHub pull request builder plugin could help with this.
- There were some objections with regard to server capacity (IT tests runs about 40-50 mins, disk space) and automation of the process
- It was agreed that a dedicated maintainer/admin for the jenkins machine is required to ensure proper operation
- No consensus could be reached, discussion has been postponed.
5. How to properly perform/maintain custom deegree3 builds
- There was some discussion about maintaining branches based on pre-releases for company projects
- Generally, such branches should not be part of the official deegree3 repository, but belong in company repositories
6. PSC questions on JIRA
"We, PSC members, understand from the last TMC meeting minutes that the TMC has a strong preference for JIRA as the tracker system. As discussed before, the PSC has an objection against JIRA because it is not open source. The PSC is willing to second the preference of the TMC if there is no real good open source alternative. So, the PSC has some questions: What is the required effort of migrating from JIRA to another Tracker system, e.g. if JIRA is no longer free for open source projects?
TorstenFriebe will answer this email.
7. Administration of the deegree-services tracker
- TMC members agree that this task should be done by TMC members
TorstenFriebe and JohannesWilden were elected to be responsible for this task