deegree TMC meeting (2013-07-24)
Attendees: ReijerCopier, TorstenFriebe, MarkusSchneider
1. Agenda
- Welcome and agenda review
- Release plan for 3.4
- Pull requests for deegree3 (3.3.2)
- Pull requests for deegree3 (3.4-pre4)
- deegree website team enablement
- Pull requests: Which versions to apply to / TMC shall decide how new features are introduced into the deegree code base
- deegree service infrastructure
2. Release plan for 3.4
- 3.4 is behind schedule
As 20 tickets are currently open, we're not ready for the RC yet
TorstenFriebe will go through the list of open issues and move them to the next version or re-assign them to one of the TMC members for deciding if or if not to keep it in 3.4
3. deegree3 pulls (3.3.2)
Pull request #137: GFI forceproperty fix
Pull request #152: ported fix from 3.2-master
4. deegree3 pulls (3.4.0-pre4)
Pull request #136: Swapped targetObject/sourceObject fix
Pull request #138: Support for additional keywords lists and vocabulary attribute.
Pull request #139: OWSMetadataProvider usage in WMSController
Pull request #140: Sld external resources fix
Pull request #141: Removed unavailable services
Pull request #144: deegree 3.3.1 hashcode crsresourceref master
Pull request #146: Support for LayerStore in deegree-spring module
Pull request #147: fix for #531 urn:ogc:def:storedQuery:OGC-WFS::GetFeatureById
Pull request #148: getfeatureinfo ampersand bug 533
Pull request #149: calculation of number of tiles
Pull request #150: avoid null pointer if crs is not supported but throw OWSException
Pull request #151: ported fix from 3.2-master
5. deegree website team enablement
- No recent actions from the PSC to solve the permission issues/hosting question
TorstenFriebe agreed to talk to Jens informally to get things going
New PSC Ticket:
- Also, TMC members should respond to the last response from Jens
6. Pull request policy
- Providers of pull requests should set the milestone (as a proposal), TMC needs to check if it is ok
- TMC should judge if a pull request is worth to merge it into other branches than master well
- Also, to prevent regression it is a good idea to merge every change into master
TorstenFriebe suggested to start a discussion on the process on the mailing list
Afterwards, the guidelines for working with pull requests should be updated