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WebClients in deegree2

1. deegree portal

There are two deegree portal web clients to view data provided by OGC web services.

2. owsWatch

web-based application which can be used to monitor the availability of different OGC web services like deegree WMS, WFS, CSW.

owsWatch will notify the user per email (or through its interface) if any of the monitored services is experiencing any problems. These might be high traffic that caused response latency or the service suffered a failure altogether. Monitoring a service is done by sending standardised requests (like GetCapabilities form a WMS). These requests can be configured by the user of owsWatch with certain constraints on that test ( e.x. timeout, repeat times ) to test if the service is running.

  1. supports HTTP GET (with KVP requests) and HTTP POST (with XML requests)
  2. supports OGC web services in different versions: WMS 1.1.1, WFS 1.1.0, WCS 1.0.0, CSW 2.0.2, SOS 1.0.0
  3. supports GetCapabilities for all supported service types

  4. supports a service specific request for each service type (WMS:GetMap, WFS:GetFeature, WCS:GetCoverage, CSW:GetRecords, SOS:DescribeSensor)

  5. notifies the user per mail on case of response failure
  6. generates protocol files for each monitored service instance

3. drm-admin

web client for setting user/groups access rights on web service components as layers and featuretypes

The user can edit the following aspects of the U3R security system:

Depending on the configuration, you can EITHER:


4. deegree coordinateCalculator

The deegree coordinateCalculator is a web based client to convert coordinates from one coordinate reference system (aka CRS, SRS) to another. The client is realised as Java webapp (Java Servlet, Java Server Pages).

There are two different modes for running the transformation:

  1. Single Mode:
    one pair of coordinates is transformed from source CRS to target CRS. The user may choose source and target CRS from a list of configurable sets of CRSs. The result of the transformation is presented on the web page.

  2. Batch Mode:
    an arbitrary number of coordinate pairs is transformed from source CRS to target CRS. The coordinate pairs need to be provided in one of the input formats and may be transformed to one of the corresponding output formats (see table below). The transformation result is stored in a file on the server and may be downloaded by the user. The download address is provided via email.



    *.csv / *.txt





    *.csv / *.txt












The deegree coordinateCalculator uses the deegree CRS package as a backend for all transformations/projections (see description of the deegree CRS package). The deegree coordinateCalculator is preconfigured for a set of 12 different coordinate reference systems. It is possible to extend support to any of the coordinate reference system that are supported by deegree, by adding those to the configuration file.

5. deegree catalogueManager

The deegree catalogueManager is a web based tool for creating, editing and using standardised spatial metadata sets. Please see deegree catalogueManager


2018-04-20 12:04