deegree3 developer meeting (2008-09-30)
Protocol by: AndreasPoth
Participants: OliverTonnhofer, RutgerBezema, MarkusSchneider, AndreasPoth, ChristianKiehle, AndreasSchmitz
Development state and some issues on soap has been discussed
SOAP implementation incl. multipart support is nearly completed. Apache commons codex and fileupload as well as axiom has been used for implementation. At the intergeo some discussions came to the conclution that the OGC will not have a real SOAP-support for its services within the next years. It seems that it will remain as it is, which means simple SOAP messaging without defined support for SOAP header, SOAP RPC etc.
2. SOS
Is available on
3. WCS
Implementation of configuration has been started
4. Feature Model
nearly completed. There are some problems with XPlanung and IMRO 2008 GML schemas which seems not to be a problem with the implementation but with the schemas theirself
5. deegree3 demos/release
It has been discussed when first demos and release will be available. It has been conclued that this must be decided by PSC and lat/lon directors
6. using other servlet engines than Tomcat
It has been discussed if it's usefull to test deegree3 services with other servlet engines than tomcat. It has been concluded that especially Jetty and JBoss should be used for testing too.