deegree 3 developer meeting (2008/12/16)
Protocol by: MarkusSchneider
Attendees: RutgerBezema, AndreasSchmitz, MarkusSchneider
1. WMS progress
Cascading WMS functionality is available now in deegree 3. Retransformation works as well.
2. Log levels
The five standard log levels should be used in deegree 3 like this:
- ERROR: Only for fatal (and unexpected) errors, but not generally for every caught exception. An invalid service request should not be logged this way, as the client gets this information as a service response and this is probably not of interest for the service admin and could lead to the idea, that deegree ran into an internal error.
- WARN: Information on parameters that are currently not respected or functions that are not implemented completely. This appears to be a good practice to have a reminder for hacks to make things work quickly, but that don't cope with all cases.
- INFO: Initialization messages (e.g. file locations, etc.)
- DEBUG: Information that helps advanced users to locate the origin of a problem.
- TRACE: Information that helps developers to analyze a problem.
3. Class loader leaks
The source of perm gen space errors in deegree 2 and deegree 3 has been analyzed and described, see ClassLoaderLeaks. There's one severe problem remaining that seems to be caused by current versions of JAXB.
4. Build scripts
Dependency management in the ant scripts is now performed by ivy, see