deegree3 developer team meeting 2009-01-13
Protocol by: ChristianKiehle
Attendees: MarkusSchneider, ChristianKiehle, RutgerBezema
1. WPS
The current implementation of Web Processing Service is nearly feature complete. The only required missing feature is the parsing of KVP execute requests. Regarding a requirement from a project, the local storage of username/password will be implemented as well.
It should be evaluated which frameworks could offer out-of-the-box processing facilities to be integrated in deegree WPS.
WPVS development is going on well. The object model is nearly completed. WPVS is in contrast to deegree2 a complete redesign of the implementation based on JOGL.
The following requirements for deegree 3 need to be addressed:
- Integration of a versioning mechanism for configuration files
- Set up of a build server
- Public Wiki pages for setting up the development environment