deegree3 developer team meeting 2009-01-20
Protocol by: MarkusSchneider
Attendees: MarkusSchneider, ChristianKiehle, RutgerBezema
1. Rendering
Display of 3D geometries using OpenGL (JOGL) is available now (needed for the WPVS implementation). The code for 2D/3D-rendering has been separated into two subpackages of the commons module:
- org.deegree.rendering.r2d
- org.deegree.rendering.r3d
2. WPS
Work on the WPS has been finished (for now). MarkusSchneider estimates the implementation of the WPS 1.0.0 standard to be 99% complete. Some features:
- Support for all defined request types (GetCapabilities/DescribeProcess/Execute) using KVP/XML/SOAP
Support for Literal, BoundingBox and Complex parameters (input/output)
- Stream access of complex input and output parameters
- Complex parameters may carry XML or binary values
- Support for binary complex inputs in Execute requests / outputs in response documents (using base64 encoding)
- Reading of process inputs from web accessible resources
- Storing of process outputs and response documents
- Status information (updated response documents) for long running (asynchronous) processes
- Process implementation does not need to care of input / output form (web accessible resource, inline or raw output)
- Support for serving WSDL documents to describe individual processes or the whole service
3. RequestContext
Controllers, services or service subsystems may now call the static method OGCFrontController#getContext() to get access to request parameters. This includes:
- Security parameters (user, password, security token)
- URL that has been used to contact the OGCFrontController
4. Configuration versioning
The frontcontroller, subcontroller and WPS process definition XML formats have been augmented with a configVersion parameter in the root element. This allows for determining if the file can be parsed as expected or if the format has been changed meanwhile. Also, the current schemas have been uploaded to