deegree3 developer team meeting (2009-07-01)
Protocol by: RutgerBezema
Attendees: RutgerBezema, MarkusSchneider, AndreiIonita
1. WFS
GetFeature request:
- A parser for xml syntactically correct, kvp tbd,
- junit test for the demo testrequests of d2 should be created.
In memory request handling is proving successful problem: A parser for GML documents which understand FeatureType information on the fly and not preprocessed is needed.
- Core schemas loading is very slow because it is loaded from the net.
- Preparsing of schemas shoulc be be inserted int he jars.
- The loading of the xerces grammar files (resulting from the preprossing) is done in memory at startup.
GetCapabilities, is done,
other protocoll operations tbd.
2. Stresstest gui
- The wpvs stress test are working, parameters can be created in an interval, width and height should be defined in an interval as well.
- No other services tests are available yet.
- GUI has still to be decided.
- The code should be checked in d3_test/webapps/stresstestgui/
3. Axiom errors
- Different errors occurred while parsing geometries if stax is retrieved from axiom.
- Axiom 1.2.9 solves most of these problems, but the WPS seems to break with this version.
- A todo has been accepted that the frontcroller should use stax.
- WPS breakage will be investigated ASAP
4. deegree meets GeoTools
The geo hacking event in Bolzena (last week) lead to a renewal of contacts between the deegree and GeoTools projects. Markus Schneider (lat/lon) and Andrea Aime (OpenGeo) considered the d3 geometry model as a good basis for a geometry framework which might be beneficial to both projects. The java-collab lists will be used to discuss the matter.
5. namespaces of the configuration
Because of limitations of JAXB-binding framework the proposal of the PSC to define the configuration of d3 in one namespace might not be possible. The TMC has made a notion to the PSC about this matter. (
6. technical issues list
A new mailing list has been created, MarkusSchneider and RutgerBezema are currently the sole recipients. This list may be used to request technical issues.