deegree3 developer team meeting (2009-10-20)
Protocol by: MarkusSchneider
Attendees: RutgerBezema, AndreiIonita, AndreasSchmitz, MarkusSchneider, SteffenThomas
1. WMS
As the ShapeDatastore has been merged with the general FeatureStore interface (and consequently renamed to ShapeFeatureStore), it can now be used from the WFS and the WMS alike. Also, it is now possible to use any other FeatureStore implementation in the WMS, such as the MemoryFeatureStore. AndreasSchmitz reported that he succesfully used it to visualize features from the complex XPlan 2.0 application schema.
2. CSW
SteffenThomas implemented the DescribeRecord request -- it can now be used to request a (currently static) metadata schema. The next step will be to define the RecordStore interface. Implementations of this interface provide access to records stored in different metadata formats and backends.
3. RasterAPI
The current state of the implementation has many inconsistencies that relate to the CENTER/OUTER interpretation of raster envelopes/grids. RutgerBezema is sorting out these issues and started a wiki page to gather information on this topic.
4. WFS
In order to get proper WFS 1.0.0 support, AndreiIonita is working on Filter 1.0.0 and GML 2.1 XML adapters. MarkusSchneider is working on 1.1.0 CITE compliance and figured out how to rerun individual tests in the TeamEngine. Also, the GMLGeometryEncoder gained the capability to export geometries in different CRS. Also, the spatial Filter predicates now perform coordinate transformations on-the-fly if needed -- e.g. a bbox predicate may be specified in a different CRS than the geometries it is compared against.