deegree3 developer team meeting (2010-01-12)
Protocol by: ChristianKiehle
Attendees: AndreasSchmitz, AndreiIonita, ChristianKiehle, MarkusSchneider, RutgerBezema, SteffenThomas
1. WMS
WMS is able to refer to SLD as well as SE.
Currently, the GetFeatureInfo (HTML output) interface is under construction.
ToolChains have been modified.
WPVS is able to integrate layers configured using Symbolog Encoding.
3. CSW
Transaction support for insert is partly working.
CSW automatically creates dublin core metadata when ISO metadata are created.
GetRecords is now able to support output schema and to support request containing multiple records.
4. Misc
The GeometrySimplifier auxiliary class has been implemented: it homogenizes (i.e. makes a specific multi-geometry (e.g. MultiPoint, MultiPolygon, etc.) out of a general MultiGeometry) and linearizes (for Curves and Surfaces) a geometry.
TMC has published a roadmap for deegree 3.
The configuration files will be bumped to version 0.4 shortly.
d3 components should be introduced to other developers / colleagues within the next weeks.