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deegree3 developer team meeting 2010/01/26


  1. WPVS
  2. WFS
  3. WMS
  4. CSW
  5. Misc

Protocol by: AndreiIonita

Attendees: AndreasSchmitz, AndreiIonita, MarkusSchneider, RutgerBezema, SteffenThomas


RutgerBezema has extended the WebPerspectiveViewService configuration and updated its obsolete parts.

2. WFS

The protocol, getCapabilities and coordinate system (CRS) handling in the WebFeatureService have been improved. MarkusSchneider also has been working on PrimitiveType handling in WFS, which enables its usage in the Catalog Service (CSW) in the near future.

Investigation on working with different GML versions other than GML 2 for WFS 1.0.0 and GML 3.1 for WFS 1.1.0 has also been a focus lately, and extensions to the particular features of other GML versions have been made.

Client compatibility for WFS 1.0.0 has been substantially improved, now all of the following clients (uDig, qGIS, OpenJUMP, iGeoDesktop) being able to render results that were requested by the WFS.

3. WMS

The WebMapService has been successfully tested to use the PostGIS st_simplify function (for simplifying geometries). AndreasSchmitz has used 120,000 features for testing and the result seems to be as expected.

The FeatureStore can now retrieve the info the WMS needs. Also, a hint mechanism for the FeatureStore has also been developed where one can specify e.g. a loose BBOX or no geometries, and get a result tolerant to the BBOX or geometries respectively.

4. CSW

SteffenThomas has implemented the transaction Delete and Update operations. Also the querying for properties mechanism has been updated. He is working on managing the exceptions that are thrown thus far.

5. Misc

The CRS database has been updated with a few new ids for coordinate systems that were already present. The CRS wiki page has been updated with the variants of prefixes that a CRS id might have.

CategoryDeegree3 CategoryDeegreeOrganisation

2018-04-20 12:04