deegree3 developer team meeting 2010-04-13
Protocol by: ChristianKiehle
Attendees: AndreiIonita, MarkusSchneider, AndreasSchmitz, RutgerBezema, LynBüsching, JohannesWilden, SteffenThomas, ChristianKiehle
1. WMS Configuration
The configuration parameters of the WMS can now be stored inside a database backend. There is also a basic version of an importer tool available. A Graphical User Interface is missing, the current frontend is based on a command line interface.
2. CSW
The CSW is INSPIRE-Compliant and passes all INSPIRE-related tests. CSW also supports multilingualism.
3. Build Process
The build process has been advanced further:
- Integration of WFS 1.0.0 into Maven (incl. 468 tests).
- WFS 1.1.0 (currently some issues to be solved)
- Integration of SOS 1.0.0
WPS webapplication as a standalone demo available download WPS demo
- Generic client is currently being extracted in order to ship it standalone and not bundle it with any service anymore. Code name: deegree services console (minor issues to be solved)
- Integration of Find Bugs into build cycle to get produce code metrics
Furthermore the WPS documentation has been enhanced significantly. It is planned to integrate an Open Layers Client for WMS demononstration as well.
4. Any Other Business
Currently the configuration of the webapplications for deegree3 are located in each webapp under WEB-INF/conf. It is planned to provide a custom location for keeping configuration files out of the webapplication (optional). A candidate location would be ~deegree3/webapp-name. In case, there is a configuration file available, the file located inside the webapplication would be overwritten. This approach will be discussed with the PSC.
The servlet-mapping url-pattern should be changed from 'services' to 'deegree' in order to reflect deegree within any service URL.
CRS package will get rid of database configuration and corresponding classes.