Service Management Console (Planning)
This page gathers ideas for bringing a web-based management console to the deegree 3 services.
1. Functionality
The console should offer the following functionality in the end:
- Provide an informational page that displays details on the installed deegree version and services.
- Provide detail information for individual services, e.g. processes registered in the WPS and their current execution status/statistics.
- Integrate an (improved) version of the generic client that allows to send KVP/XML requests to the services.
- Offer configuration possibilities for the services, e.g. shutdown/startup of WFS/WMS/WPS/..., adding/removing of processes in the WPS, adding/removing of layers in the WMS, adding/removing of datasources.
Obviously, topic 4. is the most involved and requires the most work (and an authentication system). We should target the first 3 topics first.
2. General information
3. WPS specific section
At a minimum, WPS will provide the following functionality via the web-based management console:
- A list of processes and basic status information about those processes. Both asynchronous and synchronous will available for query.
- Status of the process (e.g. ACCEPTED, STARTED, FAILED, etc.)
- Progress information
- Process start time, end time, duration
- Process failed message (if applicable)
Link to the GetResponseDocument results.
At first this information will be accessible via a simple JSP page for the webapp. In the future KVP/XML calls may be added, but that will require authentication that is not currently in place.
3.1. Code Changes
Each time the ExecutionManager launches a process the ProcessletExecution will be added to a list of executed processes. The ExecutionManager will expose methods for retrieving all processes, all running processes, etc.
The WPSController will call the appropriate ExecutionManager methods for retrieving a list of ProcessletExecutions.
- A new method, OGCFrontController#getServiceController(WPSController.class), will be created for acquiring the WPSController in the JSP file.
- A new JSP file, services/resources/client-template/client/processList.jsp, will be created to provide a simple example listing the status of all processes.
- Additional tests will be added to WPSControllerTest.
4. SOS specific section
5. WPVS specific section
6. WFS specific section
7. WMS specific section
8. SOS specific section