WebFeatureService development overview
1. Roadmap
This is a rough collection of tasks on the way to implement the WFS. The ordering in the list is more or less the roadmap. Subject to change.
- Refine the representation of features and feature types in memory
- Refine the representation of geometries in memory
- Refine the parsing of GML application schema documents as feature types
Refine the parsing of GML instance documents (e.g. FeatureCollections) into feature objects
Finish the filtering of feature collections in memory (FilterEncoding)
- Refine exporting of feature objects as GML documents
- Design Datastore interface for accessing persistent features
- Write beans and parsers for WFS requests (KVP+XML)
- Write an in-memory datastore for testing the architecture and protocol
- Merge datasource/datastore concepts with WFS requirements
Use ShapeDatastore as a WFS datasource
- Write PostGIS-based datastore and design the relational mapping
- Write Oracle-based datastore
2. TODO CITE compliance
wfs:wfs-1.1.0-Basic-GetFeature-tc405.10: Fix depends on primitive type information for complex property values (nested dates)
- wfs:wfs-1.1.0-Transaction-tc7.2: Check dimension/coordinates for update on geometry properties that don't provide an srsName
wfs:wfs-1.1.0-Transaction-tc10.1: Fix depends on type system (differentiate between SurfacePropertyType, CurvePropertyType, etc.
and GeometryPropertyType)
wfs:wfs-1.1.0-wfs:GetGmlObject-POST-XML-2: Report bug
-<wfs:GetFeature xmlns:wfs="http://www.opengis.net/wfs" version="1.1.0" service="WFS"> - <wfs:Query xmlns:sf="http://cite.opengeospatial.org/gmlsf" typeName="sf:LinkedFeature" traverseXlinkDepth="*"> +<wfs:GetFeature xmlns:wfs="http://www.opengis.net/wfs" version="1.1.0" service="WFS" traverseXlinkDepth="*"> + <wfs:Query xmlns:sf="http://cite.opengeospatial.org/gmlsf" typeName="sf:LinkedFeature">
wfs:GetFeature.XLink-POST-XML-10: Fix depends on support for XLinkPropertyName and xlink awareness in GML3GeometryWriter