Feature store configuration (workspace/datasources/feature)
First ideas on the configuration concept for all types of datasources and datastores are described in the deegree3/DatastoreConfigurationConcepts.
1. Basics
- Feature store configurations are defined independant of the application using it.
- Each feature store configuration may be used by multiple deegree 3 applications.
- Each feature store configuration has its own configuration file.
- Each configuration file contains exactly one feature store configuration.
Feature store configuration files are located in the datasources/feature/ directory of the deegree workspace. See the workspace directory layout for details.
- The name of the configuration file (without the file ending) determins the identifier for this feature store configuration.
- Configuration files need to refer to a specific schema version.
2. Schema location
The schemas for defining deegree 3 feature store data sources may be found at http://schemas.deegree.org/datasource/feature/. Each kind of feature store (memory, postgis, shape and simplesql) has its own schema definition. It is mandatory to always refer to a specific version of the schemas, as the schema may change over time.
3. Configuration details
4. Further information
Learn how to add a new shape feature store, PostGIS feature store or SimpleSQL feature store with the easy to use services console.
For other parts of the workspace configuration please consult the following pages: