Feature store configuration (workspace/datasources/feature)
First ideas on the configuration concept for all types of datasources and datastores are described in the deegree3/DatastoreConfigurationConcepts.
This page describes the configuration of feature stores with deegree version 3.1
0.1. SQL feature stores
A <SQLFeatureStore> is a feature store that is backed by an SQL database.
Current version sql: 3.1.0
(elements marked with "choice": one of these elements may be provided.)
List of supported attributes and elements for <SQLFeatureStore>:
configVersion (attribute): mandatory. Currently, this always has to be 3.0.0
0.2. SimpleSQL feature stores
A <SimpleSQLFeatureStore> is a feature store for generic spatial databases. Configuration is based on SQL statements.
Current version simplesql: 3.0.0/simplesql.xsd (configuration schema valid since 2010-11-15)
List of supported attributes and elements:
configVersion (attribute): mandatory. Currently, this always has to be 3.0.0
StorageCRS: optional (default: EPSG:4326). Coordinate reference system (CRS) of the stored geometries.
FeatureTypeName: optional (default: 'Feature'). Local name of the feature type.
FeatureTypeNamespace: optional (default: 'http://www.deegree.org/app'). Namespace of the feature type.
FeatureTypePrefix: optional (default: 'app'). Prefix of the feature type.
ConnectionPoolId: mandatory. The identifier (file name) of the database connection. See JDBC configuration.
SQLStatement: mandatory. SQL-SELECT that retrieves the features. The selected columns are used for the properties of the features, the geometry column must be selected as WKB. The WHERE-clause must contain a BBOX expression with a "?" (which will be replaced by the BBOX geometry constraint written as WKT). In order to find the correct SQL statement for your use-case, it is recommended to create an SQL statement (without the WHERE clause) manually and first test it via a standard SQL client (e.g. pgadmin for PostGIS). Only if this works (and you're satisfied with the selected columns), add the WHERE-clause, perform XML-encoding if needed (or simply put your statement in <[CDATA[...]]>) and use it for the SQLStatement element.
BBoxStatement: mandatory. SQL-SELECT that retrieves the bounding box of the features. The returned value must be a WKT-encoded envelope.
LODStatement: optional, unbounded. statement for specific WMS scale ranges (and thus the level of detail LOD).
aboveScale (attribute): mandatory. If the current scale is above the given value, this LODStatement will be used.
0.2.1. SimpleSQL examples
This example is for PostGIS. Note that the bounding box operator (&&) has been XML-encoded.
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.deegree.org/datasource/feature/simplesql http://schemas.deegree.org/datasource/feature/simplesql/3.0.0/simplesql.xsd">
<!-- [1] CRS for storing geometries -->
<!-- [0...1] Local name of the feature type (defaults to 'Feature') -->
<!-- [0...1] Namespace of the feature type (defaults to NULL namespace) -->
<!-- [0...1] Prefix of the feature type (defaults to auto-generated prefix) -->
<!-- [1] database connection -->
<!-- [1] query statement -->
SELECT name, title AS "Titel", asbinary(the_geom)
FROM some_table
WHERE the_geom && st_geomfromtext(?, -1)
<!-- [1] bounding box statement -->
SELECT astext(ST_Estimated_Extent('some_table', 'the_geom')) as bbox
<!-- [0..n] different statements for specific WMS scale ranges -->
<LODStatement aboveScale="3000">
SELECT name, title AS "Titel", asbinary(st_simplifypreservetopology(the_geom, 1))
FROM some_table
WHERE the_geom && st_geomfromtext(?, -1)
<LODStatement aboveScale="6000">
SELECT name, title AS "Titel", asbinary(st_simplify(the_geom, 30))
FROM some_table
WHERE the_geom && st_geomfromtext(?, -1) and not st_isempty(st_simplify(the_geom, 30))
This example is for MySQL. Note that the BBoxStatement is not optimal, as the extent of all polygons is not derived with DB funcitons.
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.deegree.org/datasource/feature/simplesql http://schemas.deegree.org/datasource/feature/simplesql/3.0.0/simplesql.xsd">
<!-- [1] CRS for storing geometries -->
<!-- [0...1] Local name of the feature type (defaults to 'Feature') -->
<!-- [0...1] Namespace of the feature type (defaults to NULL namespace) -->
<!-- [0...1] Prefix of the feature type (defaults to auto-generated prefix) -->
<!-- [1] database connection -->
<!-- [1] query statement -->
SELECT code, type, status, shape_leng, shape_area, asbinary(SHAPE) AS geom
FROM landslides
WHERE MBRIntersects(GeomFromText(?),SHAPE)
<!-- [1] bounding box statement -->
SELECT 'POLYGON((199709.85678244993 4088920.4794775285,199709.85678244993 4644250.101781303,736495.959185044 4644250.101781303,736495.959185044 4088920.4794775285,199709.85678244993 4088920.4794775285))' AS bbox
This example is for Oracle Spatial.
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.deegree.org/datasource/feature/simplesql http://schemas.deegree.org/datasource/feature/simplesql/3.0.0/simplesql.xsd">
<!-- [1] CRS for storing geometries -->
<!-- [0...1] Local name of the feature type (defaults to 'Feature') -->
<!-- [0...1] Namespace of the feature type (defaults to NULL namespace) -->
<!-- [0...1] Prefix of the feature type (defaults to auto-generated prefix) -->
<!-- [1] database connection -->
<!-- [1] query statement -->
SELECT name, title, sdo_util.to_wkbgeometry(GEOMETRY) as geom
FROM from some_table
WHERE SDO_RELATE(GEOMETRY,SDO_GEOMETRY(?, 26912),'mask=anyinteract querytype=WINDOW') = 'TRUE'
<!-- [1] bounding box statement -->
SELECT sdo_util.to_wktgeometry(sdo_root_mbr) as bbox from USER_SDO_INDEX_METADATA where sdo_index_name = 'YOUR_SPATIAL_INDEX_SPIDX'
0.3. Shape feature stores
A <ShapeFeatureStore> is a feature store that is backed by a shape file.
Current Version shape: 3.0.0/shape.xsd (valid since 2010-11-15)
List of supported attributes and elements:
configVersion (attribute): mandatory. Currently, this always has to be 3.0.0
StorageCRS: optional (default: EPSG:4326).Coordinate reference system (CRS) of the features in the shape file.
FeatureTypeName: optional (default: base name of the shape file). Local name of the feature type as string.
FeatureTypeNamespace: optional (default: NULL namespace). Namespace of the feature type as string.
FeatureTypePrefix: optional (default: auto-generated prefix).A prefix of the feature type to represent the namespace.
File: mandatory. Name and relative path to the shape file as string.
Encoding: optional. Encoding of the shape file text fields as string (e.g. ISO-8859-1).
GenerateAlphanumericIndexes: optional (default: true). Possible values: true, false.
true = an alphanumerical index will be created.
false = an alphanumerical index will not be created.
0.3.1. Shape example
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.deegree.org/datasource/feature/shape http://schemas.deegree.org/datasource/feature/shape/3.0.0/shape.xsd">
<!-- [0...1] CRS for storing geometries -->
<!-- [0...1] Local name of the feature type (defaults to base name of shape file) -->
<!-- [0...1] Namespace of the feature type (defaults to NULL namespace) -->
<!-- [0...1] Prefix of the feature type (defaults to auto-generated prefix) -->
<!-- [1] Name of the shape file -->
<!-- [0...1] Encoding of the text fields -->
<!-- [0...1] Should an index for alphanumeric fields be generated -->
0.4. Memory feature store
A <MemoryFeatureStore> is a feature store that keeps all features in memory.
Current version memory: 3.0.0/memory.xsd (valid since 2010-11-15)
List of supported attributes and elements:
configVersion (attribute): mandatory. Currently, this always has to be 3.0.0
StorageCRS: optional (default: EPSG:4326).Coordinate reference system (CRS) of the features in the storage.
NamespaceHint: optional, unbounded.
prefix (attribute): mandatory. An identifying prefix as string.
namespaceURI (attribute): mandatory. Namespace as string.
GMLSchema: mandatory, unbounded. A relative path to the schema folder, starting at this configuration file.
version (attribute): mandatory. Possible values are: GML_2, GML_30, GML_31, GML_32.
GMLFeatureCollection: optional, unbounded. A relative path to the feature collection file, starting at this configuration file.
version (attribute): mandatory. Possible values are: GML_2, GML_30, GML_31, GML_32.
0.4.1. Memory example
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.deegree.org/datasource/feature/memory http://schemas.deegree.org/datasource/feature/memory/3.0.0/memory.xsd">
<!-- [1] CRS for storing geometries -->
<!-- [0...n] Prefixes to use for exporting qualified elements (features / properties) -->
<NamespaceHint namespaceURI="app" prefix="http://www.deegree.org/app" />
<!-- [1...n] GML schema file / directory to be used -->
<GMLSchema version="GML_32">...</GMLSchema>
<!-- [0...n] GML datasets to load on startup -->
<GMLFeatureCollection version="GML_32">...</GMLFeatureCollection>
1. Further information
Learn how to add a new shape feature store, PostGIS feature store or SimpleSQL feature store with the easy to use services console.
For other parts of the workspace configuration please consult the following pages: