1. General Information
First of all, please make sure to read the chapter on General Information for all deegreeTools.
2. Description
This program for converting a CityGML documents in KML. At the moment just Buildings are supported. The transformation will be done by a XSLT script (org/deegree/tools/app3d/citygml2kml.xsl). If you skilled in writing XSLT scripts you may change the script to support more CityGML elements and/or generate a different kind of KML.
3. Library Dependancies
deegree2.jar ...todo...
4. Usage
The program will be invoked as follows:
java -classpath deegree2.jar -sourceFile d:\deegree\mybuilding.xml -outFile d:\deegree\mybuilding.kml -sourceCRS EPSG:31466
The program receives following commandline parameter:
- ..todo...
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