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1. General Information

First of all, please make sure to read the chapter on General Information for all deegreeTools.

2. Description

OracleGeoRasterImporter is an utitliy program to import a georeferenced image (worldfile must exist) into Oracle 10g GeoRaster Database. To use this program you must download Oracle JDBC driver library, SDO libraries and georaster libraries from Oracle developer pages because we are nor allowed to publish these libs. Before using OracleGeoRasterImporter you also have to ensure that DMLTrigger has been created for RDTable to be used (please consult your Oracle documentation for details).

3. Library Dependancies

general libs

Oracle Spatial specific libs

4. Usage

The program will be invoked as follows:

The program receives following commandline parameter:










Please note that this program will not create a mosaic from several imported images nor will it create a raster pyramid. Both must be performed directy using georaster methods defined by Oracle (please consult your Oracle documentation for details).

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2018-04-20 12:04