deegree TMC meeting (2013-10-29)
Attendees: ReijerCopier, TorstenFriebe, MarkusSchneider, JohannesWilden
1. Agenda
- Welcome and agenda review
- Pull requests for deegree2-desktop
- deegree2-desktop TMC maintenance
deegree3 JavaDoc
2. deegree2-desktop pulls
Pull request #18: Noigeo pull request
Pull has been rejected, as the changes would affect existing configurations.
3. deegree3 pulls (3.3.6)
Pull request #174: Added CRS definition for EPSG:3765
4. deegree3 pulls (3.4-pre7)
Pull request #173: Added CRS definition for EPSG:3765
Pull request #172: Browser convenience
5. deegree2-desktop TMC maintenance
Currently, not a single active deegree2-desktop developer is in the TMC. TMC members don't feel in the position to vote on pull requests or release deegree2-desktop. PSC shall be asked to help here:
- Remove deegree2-desktop from the list of officially maintained modules
- Add suitable developers to the TMC
Corresponding PSC ticket #6463.
6. deegree3 JavaDoc
No progress here. It has been suggested to target the problem at the FOSSGIS Hacking Event 2013 in Essen.
7. Define API and configuration compatibility process/guidelines
Corresponding TMC ticket #6393.
StabilityManifestoDraft has been updated by TorstenFriebe.
Suggestion for deegree 4.0 to Introduce a new Annotation @Api to indicate that a type (public class or interface) or public method (static) is part of the deegree API has been accepted
8. TMC shall decide how new features are introduced into the deegree code base
Corresponding TMC ticket #6433.
- Discussion still needs to be initiated
Could be targeted for FOSSGIS Hacking Event 2013 in Essen as well.