1. General Information
First of all, please make sure to read the chapter on General Information for all deegreeTools.
2. Description
This tool enables you to create the layer section for a deegree WMS 1.1.1 configuration from the capabilities of a local available deegree WFS. In this case 'local available' means that the WFS will be installed within the same web context as the resulting WMS. So the WMS can access the data from the WFS through the deegree API. As most of the deegree tools WFS2WMS is designed as a command line program with a few easy to use parameters passed to it.
3. Library Dependancies
deegree2.jar jaxen-1.1-beta-8.jar log4j-1.2.9.jar
4. Usage
java -classpath .;lib/deegree2.jar -minx -120 -miny 40 -maxx -80 -maxy 70 -parentLayer LAYER -wfsCaps e:/temp/wfsCaps.xml -outFile e:/temp/layersection.xml
Explanation of the command line parameters when invoking WFS2WMS:
- name of the root layer of the created WMS layer section (mandatory)
- absolute path to the WFS capabilities to transform (mandatory)
- absolute path to the result file containing the layer section (mandatory)
minimum x-coordinate for the '-parentLayer' LatlonBoundingBox (optional, must be a valid WGS84 value)
minimum y-coordinate for the '-parentLayer' LatlonBoundingBox (optional, must be a valid WGS84 value)
maximum x-coordinate for the '-parentLayer' LatlonBoundingBox (optional, must be a valid WGS84 value)
maximum y-coordinate for the '-parentLayer' LatlonBoundingBox (optional, must be a valid WGS84 value)
5. Examples
The result of invoking WFS2WMS on following WFS capabilities:
- ..TODO...
look for other deegreeTools