deegree3 developer team meeting (2009-05-12)
Protocol by: MarkusSchneider
Attendees: RutgerBezema, AndreasSchmitz, AndreiIonita, HankoRubach, JensFitzke, MarkusSchneider
1. WMS
AndreasSchmitz reported on progress on the WMS:
PointSymbolizer-styles are evaluated and can be drawn into a map
GetMap-Requests work (using shape files as data sources and PointSymbolizers)
RutgerBezema and MarkusSchneider reported on the status of the WPVS:
GetView requests work (and consider most of the defined parameters)
- Configuration options on switching of detail levels have progressed
- Currently, only one datasource per dataset is considered
- The tools for generating multiresolution terrain data sets have been finished.
3. Proxy configuration
One of the technical requirements in deegree3 is that all outgoing network connections must respect proxy settings. Several aspects of this were discussed, the results are summarized on the proxy configuration page.
4. JDBC connections
As the WPVS (and its configuration) approaches a first release, the need for the configuration of database connections has become current. Generally, JDBC connections should be configured at a single place and be given an identifier. Configuration files (such as the WPVS configuration) that require JDBC connections then reference the global connections using the identifier. The benefit of this is that it becomes much easier to adapt a setup of deegree services to a new environment (e.g for rollout).
5. deegree Wiki
JensFitzke noted that the subsystems page should be updated for the upcoming deegree day.