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deegree 3 web services

NOTE: This page is obsolete. If you are looking for the current deegree 3 documentation, please refer to the official documentation on the deegree homepage.

Overview page of deegree 3 web service implementations.

1. Available services

This list shows the avaiable web services offered by deegree 3.

Last update: 2012-05-25

Web Service

OGC spec. version


Primary Maintainer



deegree catalogueService (CSW)





deegree sensorObservationService (SOS)





deegree coverageService (WCS)





deegree featureService (WFS)

1.0.01), 1.1.01), 2.0.0




deegree mapService (WMS)

1.1.11), 1.3.01)




deegree processingService (WPS)





deegree terrainService (WPVS)





1) implementation passes all OGC compliance tests (including optional ones).
2) implementation is officially certified to be OGC compliant.
3) not an officially released OGC standard (just a draft).
4) if you're interested in becoming maintainer or sponsor of this component, please contact the deegree-devel list

See the deegree roadmap for more details.

2. Installation

2.1. Get it up and running in 5 minutes

Please choose the appropriate description according to your system (Windows OR Unix, Linux, MacOS X, Solaris, ...), or you might prefer to use your already installed ServletContainer, like Tomcat or Jetty.

2.2. Windows

  1. Make sure that you have installed the system requirements on your machine.

  2. Download the deegree web services as ZIP from the download page.

  3. Unzip the downloaded file to a location of your choice and enter the location.
  4. Double click on the file "start-deegree.bat" (and don't worry about the Microsoft security warning).
    A console window will open up and show the tomcat logs of the starting services. Please do not close this window until you want to shut down the deegree web services.

2.3. Unix (Linux, MacOS X, Solaris, ...)

  1. Make sure that you have installed the system requirements on your machine.

  2. Download the deegree web services as TAR.GZ from the download page.

  3. Unpack the downloaded file to a location of your choice and change to the folder.
  4. Double click on the file "start-deegree.sh" and run it in a terminal (or run the file from console directly).
    A console window will open up and show the tomcat logs of the starting services. Please do not close this window until you want to shut down the deegree web services.

2.4. Servlet Container

  1. Make sure that you have installed the system requirements on your machine.

  2. Download the deegree web services as WAR from the download page.

  3. Deploy the downloaded WAR into your servlet container (e.g. by copying the file into $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps).
  4. If you haven't done so already, start your servlet container.
  5. Point your browser to the start page of the deegree web services: http://localhost:8080/deegree-webservices-3.1.0/.

3. Relevant information


2018-04-20 12:05