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deegree3 tools

Last update: 2010-11-12

This pages gives an overview of the tools and helper classes available in deegree3.

1. Tools in the tools module

1.1. ApplicationSchemaTool

Swiss Army knife for GML/deegree application schemas.

1.2. CRSInfo

Retrieve information about the availability|definition of a certain crs in deegree

1.3. ConfigurationConverger

Export the coordinate systems from a given input format to a given output format and place the result into an output file.

1.4. CoordinateTransform

Convert a point or a list of points from one SRS to another.

1.5. XMLCoordinateTransform

Converts the GML geometries inside an XML document from one SRS to another.

1.6. DEMDatasetGenerator

Generates DEM multiresolution datasets from rasters, suitable for the WPVS.

1.7. DEMRasterFilterer

Applies a filter to a dem, which is loaded from a raster.

1.8. DataManager

The Data Manager inserts, updates and deletes 3d-objects in/from the WPVS backend.

1.9. EPSGDBSynchronizer

Connects to the EPSG database at //hurricane/epsg, and for all projections (other objects to be added!) that have no CRS codetype in the CRS database, the codes are fetched from the EPSG database.

1.10. FeatureStoreLoader

Imports feature datasets into a feature store

1.11. GMLSchemaAnalyzer

Prints an analysis of the feature type hierarchy defined in a GML application schema as well as information on the geometry element hierarchy.

1.12. InteractiveWPVS

Reads in a configuration document for the deegree WPVS and allows the user to interactively navigate through the scene.

1.13. MappingShortener

Helps creating readable short versions of feature type / property names for mapping to db.

1.14. ModelGeneralizor

Generates a generalization of a building by projecting the boundaries on a 2d plane and calculating a convex hull from them.

1.15. PostgreSQLImporter

This tool can be used to import SLD/SE files into a WMS styles database.

1.16. PrototypeAssigner

Interface to the WPVS backend for assigning prototypes to QualityLevel in a world object model.

1.17. RTBClient

Builds a raster tree from a given set of rasters.

1.18. RasterConverter

Converts a raster from one type into another.

1.19. RasterTreeGridifier

Converts a deegree 2 raster tree into a grid of regular, non-overlapping raster cells encoded as raw RGB blobs, suitable for the WPVS.

1.20. SchemaAnalyzer

Prints an analysis of the global element declarations in an XML schema and their content models.

1.21. StyleChecker

This tool can be used to check and remove faulty styles in a WMS style database (PostgreSQL).

1.22. FeatureTypesToLayerTree

Generates a WMS layer tree/configuration file from a feature type hierarchy.

1.23. TransformRaster

Transforms a raster with the given crs into another crs.

1.24. GRViewer

Initializes the georeferencing tool. See also the GRViewer page.

1.25. ScanEncoding

Scans the argument files and tries to guess their encoding, treats dbf files specially.

1.26. PolynomialParameterCreator

[FAILURE] Does not implement the Tool annotation, a description is therefore not available.

1.27. GMLSchemaComparator

[FAILURE] Does not implement the Tool annotation, a description is therefore not available.

1.28. GLViewer

[FAILURE] Does not implement the Tool annotation, a description is therefore not available.

1.29. WPSImporter

At the moment the input is a folder where the transformable data is stored, the output is in ~/wpsimport/output.

2. Helper classes in the test module

2.1. HashValidator

Validates requests against a service using expected md5 hashes. See also the HashValidator page.


2018-04-20 12:05