deegree TMC Meeting (2012-10-15)
Attendees: ReijerCopier, AndreasSchmitz, MarkusSchneider
1. Agenda
- Welcome and agenda review
TMC tracker item #6320: Migrate artifact repository to Nexus
TMC tracker item #6297: Find a usable definition of "stable" for deegree modules
TMC tracker item #6298: Prepare a suggestion for maintained components/modules
TMC tracker item #6322: Migrate source code to git, possibly using bitbucket
TMC tracker item #6389: Version numbering schema used for deegree
TMC tracker item #6294: Regular pre-release builds/quality assurance
TMC tracker item #6391: Define actions for deegree 3.2 release
TMC tracker item #6392: Missing release artifacts in deegree artifact repository
2. Decisions and actions
2.1. Migrate issue tracker to JIRA
Tracker issue: TMC tracker item #6321
TMC is waiting for PSC's reaction on the latest comments on this issue.
2.2. Migrate artifact repository to Nexus
Tracker issue: TMC tracker item #6320
- Task has been completed.
Information on the repository has been collected on the Infrastructure page.
TMC tracker item #6320 has been closed.
2.3. Find a usable definition of "stable" for deegree modules
Tracker issue: TMC tracker item #6297
Postponed, as it depends on TMC tracker item #6298.
2.4. Prepare a suggestion for maintained components/modules
Tracker issue: TMC tracker item #6298
- For the automatic generation of a modules list, some progress has been made on getting the Maven site plugin working.
Site report can be found at
2.5. Migrate source code to git, possibly using bitbucket
Tracker issue: TMC tracker item #6322
- Andreas did some experiments with SVN to git bridges and found that using two-way synchronization is not possible due to our repository history.
- Therefore, a hard switch from SVN to git is recommended.
TMC is waiting for PSC's reaction on the latest comments on this issue.
2.6. Propose process for dealing with feature requests in the deegree issue tracker
Tracker issue: TMC tracker item #1275
Implementing the proposed process depends on a final decision on switching the issue tracker.
2.7. Version numbering schema used for deegree
Tracker issue: TMC tracker item #6389
- There has been some discussion ongoing behind the scenes.
- It has been proposed to cling to general Maven practices for numbering and not to break API/configuration compatibility between minor versions, e.g. between 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2.
- The proposed ideas are agreed with, however, it doesn't seem feasible for the 3.x. We already broke the API a lot of times. Since this is too late for 3.2 anyway, we can also postpone a decision/change of practice until the release, then switch to 4.0-pre/alpha.
- API stability should be targeted starting with the 4.x releases. This requires the definition of a process to ensure it (e.g. clear guidelines, reviews).
- Configuration stability has been a goal for the 3.x series, but this was failed in rare cases, e.g. relation mapping concepts evolved. Therefore, PostGISFeatureStore (3.0) and SQLFeatureStore configs (3.1 and 3.2) are not compatible and manual interaction is required, when updating the deegree release for an existing configuration.
- The TMC still considers config compatibility to be of high importance for the 3.x series, but obviously we must deal with (few) exceptions here.
- A clear process for configuration stability is required.
New action item: TMC tracker item #6393: Define API and configuration compatibility process/guidelines.
2.8. Regular pre-release builds/quality assurance
Tracker issue: TMC tracker item #6294
- No updates.
2.9. Missing release artifacts in deegree artifact repository
Tracker issue: TMC tracker item #6392
- Artifacts (from the 3.0 series) have been lost again due to problems with the old repository server (Artifactory).
- According to the server administrator, backups are not available.
- It has been decided to publish new 3.0.x and 3.1.x releases that use the new repository server. Website and wiki need to be updated.
TMC tracker item #6392 has been updated.
2.10. Define actions for deegree 3.2 release / Update the deegree 3 roadmap
Tracker issues: TMC tracker item #6391, TMC tracker item #6387
NOTE: Some of the following decisions/remarks don't apply anymore as deegree day (and hence the deegree 3.2 release) has been postponed. |
Target date is deegree day.
- Quality goals: Unit tests pass, IT tests (e.g. CITE) pass. Some assistance is required in order how to assure that INSPIRE compliance ("INSPIRE release") is met.
- CRS issues: 4 weeks, and so far nobody was willing to pick up the ball. Help/coordination from the PSC is required.
- SQLFeatureStore improvements: Not happening in the remaining time.
- Security subsystem: Not happening in the remaining time.
- Layers/Themes: done.
- Tile: done.
- WFS: done.
- General/INSPIRE: Compliance has been tested for specific server setups, but no continous integration solution is available yet.
- General/Modularisation of deegree-core-base: Started.
- General/Review configuration file consistency: Should be done for 3.2-rc2.
- Remaining builds until release will be 3.2-pre12, 3.2-rc1, 3.2-rc2, 3.2-rc3 (final). One build every week.
- In order to meet the tight schedule, one TMC should be held every week for the next week.