deegree3 TMC meeting (2012-11-26)
Attendees: TorstenFriebe, ReijerCopier, AndreasSchmitz, MarkusSchneider, JohannesWilden
1. Agenda
- Welcome and agenda review
- deegree community space debriefing
- deegree 3.2-pre12 release announcement
Move to GitHub
Process for pulling changes using GitHub
2. deegree community space debriefing
- The TMC decided to issue a short statement on the community space.
- This will be prepared by Torsten, Reijer and Markus.
TMC tracker item #6402 has been created.
3. deegree 3.2-pre12 release announcement
- There was no release announcement for the recent deegree 3.2-pre12 build.
- Generally, there should always be an announcement on the deegree lists.
- It's still a bit hard to compile a meaningful changelog from the commit messages.
After the move to git (and the proposed pull policy explained below), this should become much easier in the future, as there should always be a clear feature <-> pull request relation.
- This time, the changelog needs to be compiled manually from the commit messages.
- Everybody who committed between pre11 and pre12 should describe the changes and Torsten and Johannes will compile the list.
TMC tracker item #6403 has been created.
4. Move to GitHub
Related tracker issue: TMC tracker item #6322
After a long period of discussion, the move from Wald SVN to GitHub has been finally scheduled. The process will start this Friday.
- Besides moving to a state-of-the-art solution, this event brings the chance to remove dead code/modules.
Here's the GithubMigrationRoadmap which collects the decision and what to migrate and what not.
5. Process for pulling changes using GitHub
git and GitHub provide better options for implementing new features outside of the trunk than SVN does.
- We should especially use the potential for transparency and more control over additions.
It was agreed to go with Andreas proposal for the process of handling of pull requests.
- A nice side-effect of this is that we should be able to compile meaningful changelogs automatically in the future.