Pages that have not been edited for longer than all other pages (and thus a listing of the oldest entries in the editlog).
- 08:36 Non Free Libraries . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 deegree3/OWSHTTPResponse Codes . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Release Notes V22/WFS . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 OWSCommon . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 OpenJUMP . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 OWSConfigPlugin . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Unified Modeling Language . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Release Notes V22/WMS . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Tomcat Remote Debugging . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 SchemaAnnotator . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Release Notes V22/WPS . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Hilfe Zur Seiten Erzeugung . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Local Spelling Words . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Web Perspective View Service . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 deegree3/Messages Properties . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 HttpTesting . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 deeJumpPlugin . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Release Notes V22/WCS . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 MartinScherer . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 deeJUMP . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 StartingPoints . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Standard Article Template . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 ReleaseNotesV22 . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Initial Select Strategy . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 HansPlum . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Release Notes V22/CSW . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 StephenCameron . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 DanielaHess . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Release Notes V22/WPVS . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Configuration Services/Service Specification . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Development . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Release Notesv22/WMS . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Release Notes V22/IGeo Portal . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Help On Page Creation . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 WikiSandBox . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 AutoAdminGroup . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 InputOutput . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 CommonProblems . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 DataModel . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 WFSPlugin . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Release Notes V22/API . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Eclipse/Using CVS . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 DDLGenerator . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 IndexShapeFile . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Configuration Services . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 Data Store/Post GIS . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 08:37 CategoryGroups . . . . localhost 1 converted to 1.6 markup
- 14:47 deegree3/Mapping Complex Geometries . . . . MarkusSchneider 1 Added gml id aspect.
- 07:26 ConfigTool . . . . JuditMays 1 adjust header
- 15:51 Developers Corner . . . . JuditMays
- 12:06 Category Category . . . . JuditMays 1 remove "chached" from full search
- 13:33 Proxy Configuration . . . . MarkusSchneider 1 moved page to deegree3
- 09:18 Web Coverage Service . . . . JuditMays