1. General Information
The tools described on this page are mostly command line based tools for deegree2.
If you are interested in the GUI based deegree configuration tool, please go to the ConfigTool page.
1.1. Command Line Structure
Certain aspects of usage are the same for all deegree command line tools.
The overall command line call is something like this:
java -cp list-of-libraries JavaClass list-of-parameters
If you have set your system variable to point to your java folder, then it is enough to write: java
Otherwise you need to write the full path to your java folder: /path/to/java
-cp list-of-libraries
The classpath variable (cp) needs to contain the deegree2.jar plus a large number of other libraries varying from tool to tool.
Please also read Preparations for some more important details.
The JavaClass for a specific tool needs to be specified with its full package name, starting with "org.deegree."
Details will be given in the description for each tool.
- Some tools need specific values for processing. These values are passed to the tool by adding "-parameter1 value1 -parameter2 value2" and so on at the end of the command line. There are mandatory parameters which need to be set, and optional parameters which may be omitted. Details are provided in the description for each tool.
1.2. Preparations
- Create a working folder for your deegree tools (for example: "/home/deegree/tools/")
Download the nightly deegree2.jar and put it into this working folder.
- Download all necessary libraries (e.g. *.jar files) and put them into your working folder (but no subfolders please!)
You can get the libraries from the lib folder in the deegree SVN
If you are running the deegree command line tools with a deegree2.jar that was built by using ant (as the nightly build), it is not necessary to list all the libraries, as they are referenced by the deegree2.jar itself. This will reduce the size of the command drastically.
- On Linux
java -cp .:lib/deegree2.jar:very-long-list-of-many-more-libraries javaClass list-of-parameters
can be reduced tojava -cp .:lib/deegree2.jar javaClass list-of-parameters
Of course you can also compile the sources yourself and create a deegree2.jar by calling ant build-lib. Please refer to the Deployment page for details.
2. DataStoreTools
Tools for setting up WFS datastores.
GenericSQLShapeImporter : Import an ESRI shape file into a non geospatial database to be used with deegree WFS
DBSchemaToDatastoreConf : Create a deegree WFS datastore configuration from a database table or an ESRI shape file
SchemaAnnotator : Annotate a GML application schema with default mapping for table and column names
DDLGenerator : Create a deegree WFS datastore configuration from a database table or an ESRI shape file
3. RasterTools
RasterTreeBuilder : Generating image pyramids out of georeferenced image collections
RasterTreeUpdater : Updates a subset of an already existing deegree raster pyramid
ArcInfo2Tiff : converts an ArcInfo raster file (text format) into a tiff image
ArcInfo2xyz : converts an ArcInfo raster file (text format) into its XYZ representation
Text2Tiff : converts geodata and special values from a simple text file format to a .tiff image
SimpleText2Tiff : converts a xyz-text file covering a regular grid into a tiff image
OracleGeoRasterImporter : imports a georeferenced image into Oracle 10g GeoRaster Database
OracleGeoRasterExporter : exports an image from Oracle 10g GeoRaster Database
4. ShapeTools
IndexShapeFile : application that can be used to index an ESRI shape files
AVL2SLD : converts ESRI *.avl files to OGC SLD 1.0.0 documents
GML2Shape_new : converts a GML document into an ESRI shape file
Shape2GML_new : converts an ESRI shape file into a GML document
ShapefileMerger : merges two shape files sharing the same schema into one
GenericSQLShapeImporter : imports an ESRI shape file into a none geospatial database to be used with deegree WFS
5. WMSTools
WFS2WMS : creates a deegree WMS 1.1.1 configuration from the feature types of a WFS 1.1.0 capabilities document
WMS2WMC : creates a Web Map Context 1.0.0 document from a WMS 1.1.1 capabilities document
MapServer2DeegreeWMS : creates a deegree WMS configuration from a MapServer map file
SLDHarmonizer : changes SLD files to be more usable by deegree WMS
6. SecurityTools
DRMAccess : enables deegree sercurity administration using command line calls
ActiveDirectoryImporter : synchronizes the User and Group instances stored in a SecurityManager with an ActiveDirectory-Server
WMSLayerImporter : adds all requestable layers of a WMS into deegree's user and rights management system
WFSFeatureTypeImporter : adds all requestable layers of a WFS into deegree's user and rights management system
7. 3DTools
following tools are more or less work in progress; so do not expect everything will work as expected
CityGML2KML : converts a CityGML (Building) document into a KML document
CityGML2Shape : converts a CityGML (Building) document into an ESRI shape file
View3DFile : displays a 3D-Shapefile or a CityGML document
8. CRSTools
Tools and utility classes for easy accessing the crs api:
DemoCRSTransform (!DemoCRSTransform): tool for transforming coordinate pair or a file containing pairs Create the parameters for a direct Polynomial transformation
- output all available crs's and/or check if a given crs is available transform a raster file. transform a shape file.